22:00 (US) Fed’s Brainard: With investors ebullient on expectations for a strong rebound, it is important to closely monitor risks to the system and ensure the financial system is resilient - Potential hedge fund risks show the need for more disclosure Related ( TLT, IEF, SHY, USFED, ).
20:35 (US) Fed's Bostic (FOMC voter): would not be surprised to see over 1M jobs added in April employment report; it is hard to feel confident about inflation forecasts - Wage data will depend on which jobs are coming back - The US economy is still down 7-8M jobs - Expecting 2.4-2.5% PCE inflation in 2021, and then 2.2% in 2022 - Hard to get a clear read on inflation for the next couple of months due to base effects and uncertainty over the duration of supply shocks - Not ready to begin the formal debate over tapering QE asset purchases.
- Source TradeTheNews.com